Themed Discussion Proposals and Voting NOW LIVE!
The themed discussion session proposal and voting system is live. Please use this link to propose and vote on themed discussions. You can propose as many themed discussions as you wish, and vote on each proposal once, by clicking the ‘up’ arrow. If you accidentally vote on a proposal, you can click the ‘up’ arrow again to remove your vote.
You can continue proposing and voting on themed discussion topics until 3pm on Tuesday 10th September, after which the scores will be collated and the nine most popular themes will be allocated a room for the discussion to take place on Wednesday 11th September from 3:45pm-4:35pm. We would like to invite those who proposed successful themed discussion sessions to facilitate their own session, however this is not mandatory and there will be a conference volunteer in each room to act as facilitator if necessary.
Please read the existing proposals before entering your own to avoid duplicates. The site is being moderated and any duplicated proposals or proposals which contravene our Code of Conduct will be removed. Proposals and votes are completely anonymous – please do not sign your proposal with your name.
Happy voting!