Abstract Submission
We have re-opened abstract submission for the short academic film category. Please submit your abstract using the link below. The deadline for submissions is Friday 12th July 2024, 9:00 PM (21:00) BST.
Short Academic Film. This form enables you to submit an abstract for a short academic film on any aspect of cultural evolution intended for any audience (other academics, the general public, etc.). We hope to collate all accepted films and their explanatory abstract together onto a continuous loop that delegates may view in a dedicated room at any time during the conference.
The exact format in which the short films are required will be given upon acceptance. As a general guide, we anticipate films of a maximum of 10 minutes in length (though short TikTok videos are welcome). Also, if the video is not in English it will require captions in English.
In line with CES Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) aims, all abstracts will be reviewed anonymously to reduce subconscious bias and ensure a balanced and diverse conference programme. The abstract submission forms have an EDI section which will be removed, by a member of the conference organising team who is not associated with the scientific committee, prior to collating abstracts for their review. EDI information and other identifying information will only be made available to the scientific committee after review has been completed and used to determine whether there is any bias in whom gets to present in the different formats and enable minor reshuffling to produce a diverse and balanced final programme.
Abstract submission for talks and posters at the CES 24 Conference is now CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who submitted an abstract. We will be communicating decisions to all applicants in the week commencing 8th April 2024.
Abstract submission for the CES 24 Conference ran from 15:00 GMT on 12th January 2024 until 09:00 GMT on 11th March 2024.
Please read the guidance on this page first, and then submit your abstract via one of the links below. You may only submit one abstract for a 15-20 minute talk, Lightning talk, or poster. You may also submit an abstract for a short academic film, in addition to your abstract for a talk or poster.
In line with CES Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) aims, all abstracts will be reviewed anonymously to reduce subconscious bias and ensure a balanced and diverse conference programme. The abstract submission forms have an EDI section which will be removed, by a member of the conference organising team who is not associated with the scientific committee, prior to collating abstracts for their review. EDI information and other identifying information will only be made available to the scientific committee after review has been completed and used to determine whether there is any bias in whom gets to present in the different formats and enable minor reshuffling to produce a diverse and balanced final programme.
There are 4 types of abstract (click on each to access the submission forms which include full instructions):
15-20 minute talk (these will be collated into appropriately themed parallel sessions)
Lightning (~5 minute) talk (these will be collated into plenary sessions)
Poster (accepted posters will be on display during all breaks and a dedicated poster session with drinks reception)
Short Academic Film (these will be displayed on a continuous loop in a dedicated room throughout the conference)
There is NO SYMPOSIA abstract submission. However, a group of you may submit independent abstracts for a 15-20min talk in a particular area (providing similar key words at submission). Then, dependent upon abstract acceptance, the desired ‘symposium’ may well emerge in a themed parallel session.
We will also be hosting Themed Discussion Sessions during the conference schedule. These are intended to enable and replicate the informal conversations often had during breaks or in the evenings that are so useful, but not always inclusive.
An online proposal submission and voting platform has now been launched (click the tile below for more information), and will remain open until 3pm on Tuesday 10th September. Anyone can submit a themed discussion proposal, and vote on as many submissions as they choose. The most popular proposals (up to a maximum of 9) will be given a dedicated room in which the discussion will take place. All themed discussion sessions will be hybrid. Proposers are invited to facilitate discussions, however since the online proposal system is anonymous, delegates are entitled to submit a proposal even if they would prefer not to facilitate the discussion session.
The proposal system will be moderated and the conference organisers reserve the right to remove any proposals which are offensive or which contravene the expectations set out in our Code of Conduct. We also encourage submitters to read the existing proposals before entering their own, to reduce the amount of duplicated proposals. Proposals can be viewed in order of recency or popularity; we encourage voters and submitters to use both functions.